International Ombudsman Institute (IOI)

In most countries around the world parliamentary control bodies are established, which monitor and implement the rule of law, the fight against corruption and good public administration. Although the specific role of the Ombudsman institution may vary, the holder of this office is legitimized by parliament – either through direct elections or through appointment by the head of state or government by or after consultation with parliament.
The role of Ombudsman institutions is to protect the people against violation of rights, abuse of powers, unfair decisions and maladministration. They play an increasingly important role in improving public administration while making the government's actions more open and its administration more accountable to the public.
The International Ombudsman Institute (IOI), established in 1978, is the only global organisation for the cooperation of more than 200 independent Ombudsman institutions from more than 100 countries worldwide. The IOI is organised in six regional chapters (Africa, Asia, Australasia & Pacific, Europe, the Caribbean & Latin America and North America). In its effort to focus on good governance and capacity building, the IOI supports its members in a threefold way: training, research and regional subsidies for projects.

Asian Ombudsman Association (AOA)

Pakistan hosted the first Asian Ombudsman Conference on 15 – 16 April 1996 at Islamabad. The conference decided to establish Asian Ombudsman Association (AOA). Its Secretariat was established within the premises of the Federal Ombudsman Secretariat at Islamabad. The Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan was elected the first President of the Board of Directors in 1998 and was re-elected for the subsequent terms. With the current membership of 47 institutions, the Asian Ombudsman Association is a major non-political, independent, democratic and professional body of international character representing more than two thirds of the world population. AOA’s Objectives include, inter-alia, to promote the concept of ombudsman-ship and to encourage its development in Asia. It also stands for promotion of professionalism, exchange of information and experiences among the ombudsmen in the Region. The Association has so far held 24 meetings of the Board of Directors, 17 Meetings of the General Assembly and 17 International Conferences on various themes of professional interest. The Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan was re-elected unopposed as President of AOA for a four years terms on 11 September 2023. The other heads of ombudsman institutions who were elected include Vice President (Azerbaijan), Secretary (Hong Kong) and the Treasurer (Iran) with five Directors from China, Japan, Korea, Turkiye and Tatarstan.

Forum Of Pakistan Ombudsmen (FPO)

The Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman (FPO) was established on April 16, 2011 as a non-governmental, apolitical, independent and professional forum for Ombudsmen in Pakistan. The Forum was established keeping in view the need to improve coordination, promote capacity building and provide quality services for the common man. The idea to set up the FPO was discussed during the informal meeting of the Ombudsmen of Pakistan in April 2011 and a consensus was emerged for the creation of a platform that would enable effective interaction between Ombudsmen within Pakistan and at the same time make it possible for them to reach out to Ombudsmen in foreign jurisdictions outside Pakistan.
Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad Sukhera, Federal Tax Ombudsman is the President of the Forum. The Forum currently has 12 members and is governed by a four member Board.

Organization Of Islamic Countries Ombudsman Associaotion(OICOA)

Since inception of Islamic History, when Allah (Subhana Wata’ Ala) entrusted the Nubuwwah to the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), the concept of Ehtisab (Accountability) remained the hallmark of its followers through the Caliphs and onward. Thus, the modern Ombudsman is a variant of the Islamic era Mohtasib, originally ascribed to the second Caliph Hazrat Omar’s (RA) Institution of the Qadi-al-Qadat, then the Diwan-al-Mazalim and the Turkish Mohtasib. The Mohtasib used to be an important public authority, appointed by and answerable to the Caliph or the King, assigned to conduct accountability of public officials. He enjoyed complete independence and functioned within the documented framework. During the Abbasids era (750-847) complaint handling agencies, each headed by a senior judge called ‘Diwan-al-Mazalim’, were established to examine complaints brought by the public against government officials. The Islamic era Mohtasib is thus the institutional precursor of the modern day Ombudsman, introduced in Sweden in 1807 – a Nordic accomplishment.
Acknowledging the historic significance of the Institution of Ombudsman, the Council of Foreign Ministers of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States in its 39th Session, held at Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti on 15-17th November 2012, felt the need to promote and strengthen this Institution in the Islamic World and, therefore, a Resolution (Resolution No: 4/39-ORG) was adopted: ". . . to establish Networking of Ombudsman Offices in the OIC Member States to promote sharing of expertise and best practices in complaint handling skills, speedy handling of public grievances, capacity building of Ombudsman institutions in Islamic world; . . " The participants of the conference on “Networking of Ombudsmen in the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) Member States” held on 28 - 29th April 2014 in Islamabad (Pakistan), emphasized that Islamic concept of accountability should be promoted as top priority in the OIC and suitable institutional arrangements be devised for sharing knowledge, experience, and ideas to strengthen the institutions of the Ombudsman in OIC Member States. To achieve above objectives, it was unanimously agreed by the participants that an association, named as “OIC Ombudsman Association (OICOA)”, be established with its Secretariat at Islamabad (Pakistan).
The Federal Tax Ombudsman was elected as President of the Steering Committee to formulate the by-laws of OICOA. In this regard, 1st meeting of Steering Committee was held from 28th to 29th April, 2015 in Islamabad. Later on, after approval of by-laws in the conference held on November 17th-19th, 2019 in Turkey, the OICOA moved from its formative stage to operational mode. Pakistan was assigned the seat of Secretary General of OICOA, permanently. In the light of by-laws, Chief Ombudsman of Turkey was elected as President, General Inspection Organization, Iran Vice President and Federal Tax Ombudsman, Pakistan Secretary General of the OICOA.